Bodily movement that is voluntary and goal oriented consider the most important characteristics of physical activity.
Sport is competitive, recreation is fun and enjoyment based. Sports tend to have set rules. Practice is undertaken to improve and get better in sport. Physical recreation can be laid back and based on a more social time. Or could be hobies.
The major goal of physical fitness is an absence of disease, positive energy, and a sense of physical and mental well-being.Being physiologically capable of handling challenges that exist above a resting threshold of activity.
Walking to the best way for you to start to get your physical activity level up. You should start out by walking for short periods of time and work yourself up.
The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire is designed for self-screening by anyone who is planning to start an exercise program of moderate to strenuous activity.
Vigorous Physical Activity :)
Vigorous physical activityVigorous Physical Activity :)Vigorous Physical Activity :)Moderate Physical activityModerate Physical activityreadingreadingVigorous physical activityYouYou
1.Pre-contimplation (Not considering physical activity) 2. Contemplation (Considering Physical activity) 3. Preparation (Taking steps to prepare for physical activity) 4. Action (Performing physical activity) 5. Maintenance (Performing physical activity on a regular basis)
A physical activity is aerobics.
any physical activity that you enjoy and can do now and for the rest of your life.
Other words/terms for personal goal include: personal aim personal objective