A screeching sound similar to a person screaming.
The sound made by vocal cords is called the voice or vocalization. It is produced when air passes through the vocal cords in the larynx, causing them to vibrate and create sound.
it's a metaphor. it's saying that the person likes the sound of their voice.
Voice modulation is munipulation of the voice structure to change the sound into a sound that cannot be produced from the human voice.
Sound is produced when a person speaks, creating vibrations in the air that travel as sound waves. These sound waves enter our ears and cause our eardrums to vibrate, which is then converted into electrical signals and sent to the brain. The brain interprets these signals as sound, allowing us to hear another person's voice.
Because of the sound of her voice.
A person with a cold may sound congested or have a stuffy nose, resulting in a nasal or muffled voice. They may also experience coughing or throat irritation, which can produce a hoarse or scratchy voice.
Sound travels faster in water than in air, which changes the way the sound waves travel through the medium. This difference in speed and density causes the pitch and tone of the sound to be altered, making a person's voice sound different underwater compared to in the air.
Sound is any voice is particular.Sound refers to source of voice. Voice is the recognition of the sound...
Sound of My Voice was created in 2011.