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A Pansexual

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Q: What is a person called that doesn't care about race gender sexuality?
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What is Location meaning?

Social location basically has to do with a person's place in society. It has to do with a person's race, gender, and sexuality. It also is a key element in understanding who a person is.

What is social location mean?

Social location basically has to do with a person's place in society. It has to do with a person's race, gender, and sexuality. It also is a key element in understanding who a person is.

What is sexuality?

Sexuality is a person's sexual preferences and orientation

What is a person from bamako called?

A person from Bamako is called a Bamakois or a Bamakoise, depending on their gender.

Does transgender mean the person is gay?

No,not techinally. When you are a full trans boy or girl, you are not classified as gay. If you are a FtM, and are interested in boys afterwards, then yes, you are classified as gay or bisexual, since you are now a boy. On the other hand, if youre a MtF, and find interest in girls, you may be either rbisexual, or lesbian, due to that now you are a female.

What is Social location?

Social location basically has to do with a person's place in society. It has to do with a person's race, gender, and sexuality. It also is a key element in understanding who a person is.

How do you control sexuality in men?

Any such control comes from within the person. It is called self discipline.

What does being bisexual mean?

Being "bi" or "bisexual" means that a person is sexually attracted to people of both genders. Heterosexual means that someone is attracted to the opposite gender. Homosexual means that someone is attracted to the same gender. Sexuality is only defined by a person's attractions.

What is a person with no gender called?

A person with no specific gender identity may identify as non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, or gender-neutral. These are terms used by individuals who do not exclusively identify as male or female.

Can boys also play softball?

Any person can play any kind of sports it u doesnt madder wat gender u are

What is a person called that doesnt believe in the devil?

Smart. Actually an atheist.

A person who doesnt want to work..what is he called?
