First let's define permissive: Allowing or characterized by great or excessive freedom of behavior.
So if you stick relationship onto that, we can say that a permissive relationship is a relationship where there is a lot of freedom between the couple. Perhaps with no barriers as well. Each one is free to do as they please with no obligations.
Permissive cells are capable of supporting the replication of a virus, whereas non-permissive cells are unable to support virus replication. In permissive cells, the virus can enter, replicate, and exit to infect other cells. Non-permissive cells may lack the necessary factors or receptors for the virus to complete its replication cycle.
they are both on the ends of the extreems ; Strict ---------------------------- Normal ------------------- permissive
Permissive policies allow more freedom and flexibility, while restrictive policies impose limits and regulations. Permissive policies often give individuals more autonomy and choices, while restrictive policies are more controlling and have stricter guidelines.
AR 600-8-10: Leaves and Passes AR 630-5: Leaves, Passes, Permissive TDY
No, it isn't. Being too permissive shows not only a lack of trust, but also a lack of respect for the other person's personal space.
simple, to suspend permitting a demand.
permissive, easy-going, light
A permissive relay is one that "permits" other electrical devices( relays, swithches, machine etc.) to become active ( turn on) or deactivated ( turn off).