Scoring methods vary by state and county, but in California the most recent inspection report must be made available upon request.
Some counties use A, B, C scoring. Here, an A is passing, and a B or C is failing.
Some use only a numbering system where a 90 or 85 may be passing. But if the inspection did not pass, it will be noted on the report, regardless of scoring method.
The C grade is a passing grade.
A D is a passing grade for 9th grade. It is the overall average of all grades that makes the difference between passing and repeating a grade.
the passing grade is a 65=]
i think the passing grade is 85*
of course 65 is a passing grade 64 or below is failing , 65 is passing!
Depends on the school but usually it is a passing grade. A low C grade
60% is not normally a passing grade in college.
8th grade
a passing grade is aat least a c average so i hope you have a c average or better
The local health department sends a local health inspector to inspect restaurants. The health inspector will give the restaurant a grade based on the inspection.
No. It is an F.