Normal findings indicate no evidence of any pathologic or disease conditions.
Because pleural biopsy is an invasive procedure, it is not recommended for patients with severe bleeding disorders.
The procedure most often performed for pleural biopsy is called a percutaneous (passage through the skin by needle puncture) needle biopsy.
A pleural biopsy is needed when there is suspicion of underlying pleural disease or cancer that is causing symptoms such as unexplained fluid buildup in the pleural space, persistent chest pain, or unexplained fluid in the lungs. It is usually performed when other less invasive tests, such as imaging or fluid analysis, do not provide a definitive diagnosis.
A pleural biopsy is typically performed to diagnose the cause of pleural effusion (build-up of fluid in the pleural space), assess for infection, inflammation, or cancer in the pleura, and guide treatment decisions. By examining a sample of pleural tissue under a microscope, doctors can determine the underlying condition and plan appropriate management.
The skin overlying the biopsy site is anesthetized and a small incision is made to allow insertion of the biopsy needle. This needle is inserted with a cannula (a plastic or metal tube) until fluid is removed.
As many as three separate specimens are taken from different sites during the procedure.
Abnormal findings include tumors, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections, and tuberculosis
DefinitionA pleural biopsy is a procedure to remove a sample of the tissue lining the lungs and the inside of the chest wall to check for disease or infection.Alternative NamesClosed pleural biopsy; Needle biopsy of the pleuraHow the test is performedThis test does not have to be done in the hospital. It may be done at a clinic or doctor's office.You will be sitting up for the biopsy. The health care provider will cleanse the skin at the biopsy site, and inject a local numbing drug (anesthetic) through the skin and into the lining of the lungs and chest wall (pleural membrane).A larger, hollow needle is then placed through the skin and into the chest cavity. The doctor rotates the needle. At various times during the procedure, you will be asked to sing, hum, or say "eee." This helps prevent air from getting into the chest cavity, which can cause a lung collapse (pneumothorax).The doctor removes the needle to collect tissue samples. Usually, 3 biopsy samples are taken. When the test is completed, a bandage is placed over the biopsy site.How to prepare for the testYou will have blood tests before the biopsy, and you may have a chest x-ray taken. You must sign consent forms.How the test will feelWith the injection of the local anesthetic, you may feel a brief prick and a burning sensation. When the biopsy needle is inserted, you may feel pressure. As the needle is being removed, you may feel a tugging sensation.Why the test is performedPleural biopsy is usually done to determine the cause of a collection of fluid around the lung (persistent pleural effusion) or other abnormality of the pleural membrane. Pleural biopsy can diagnose tuberculosis, cancer, and other diseases.Normal ValuesThe pleural tissues appear normal, without signs of inflammation, infection, or cancer.Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.What abnormal results meanAbnormal results may reveal cancer, tuberculosis, a viral disease, a fungal disease, a parasitic disease, or collagen vascular disease.Other conditions under which the test may be done include:Malignant mesotheliomaMetastatic pleural tumorPrimary lung cancerWhat the risks areThere is a slight chance of the needle puncturing the wall of the lung, which can partially collapse the lung. This usually gets better on its own. There is a chance of excessive blood loss.Special considerationsIf a closed pleural biopsy is not enough to make a diagnosis, you may need a surgical biopsy of the pleura.ReferencesBroaddus VC, Light RW. Pleural Effusion. In: Mason RJ, Murray J, Broaddus VC, Nadel JA. Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 2005: chap 68.Ernst A, Silvestri GA, Johnstone D. Interventional Pulmonary Procedures: Guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians. Chest. May 2003: Vol. 123; pp. 1693-1717.
Potential complications of this procedure include bleeding or injury to the lung, or a condition called pneumothorax, in which air enters the pleural cavity (the space between the two layers of pleura lining the lungs and the chest wall).
A normal healthy adult has around 10-20 milliliters of pleural fluid in each hemithorax. This fluid helps lubricate the pleural membranes and facilitates smooth movement of the lungs during breathing.