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Q: What is a normal bleeding time for a male?
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Your husband bleeds the first time you made love?

It is perfectly normal to notice bleeding after sex, due to rupture in the male penile if sex has been a bit rough. However if the bleeding persist, check with a physician.

Is bleeding normal if it not your first time?

it depends on where the bleeding took place but go to a doctor.

What is the normal bleeding time?

The clotting time must be between 3 and 8 minutes to be in normal range

Bleeding Time is normal or abnormal in fever condition?

The bleeding time can be different for an animal under different conditions. When a fever is present, the higher temperature prolongs bleeding time.

What are the normal values for bleeding of male and female?

Women bleed twice as much as men do. hope that helps

What is normal value of bleeding time in males?

This query needs to be either rewording or some addition clarify of the question. That is clarify "bleeding time in males."

Is cramping and bleeding during the sixth week normal?

It depends on how heavy the bleeding is. Its normal to sometimes spot during pregnancey. Cramps, all the time. If bleeding is heavy its a possible miscarraige you should see docter immediately.

Is bleeding the day after sex for the first time is this normal?

Yes, this usually happens when your hymen breaks. Totally normal :)

What is the difference between internal and normal bleeding?

Internal bleeding is when you bleed on the inside as where normal bleeding is where you bleed on the outside

After your first time you bled Same with the second and third and it still hurts Is this normal?

Yes, this is very normal. The hurting, and the bleeding will go away over time.

Is bleeding while on the ring normal?

Breakthrough bleeding in the first weeks after starting the ring is normal.

How many days is normal to bleed in six weeks of pregnancy?

It is not normal to experience bleeding during pregnancy. If you are experiencing bleeding for any length of time during your pregnancy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider immediately.