Chemical Hazard is the danger caused by chemicals to the environment and people. A chemical hazard arises from contamination with harmful or potentially harmful chemicals.
It is people.
One potentially harmful effect of making a Hollandaise sauce is that you will be using raw egg yolk. Many people worry about the risk of eating raw egg yolk.
The textbook answer is "A hazard is any situation that has the potential to cause, or potentially cause harm or can be harmful to people, property or environment"
"BPA free" means that a product is free from bisphenol A, a chemical commonly used in the production of plastics that can be harmful to health. Choosing BPA-free products can help reduce exposure to this potentially harmful chemical.
The warnings on the Sevin container say to wear gloves when handling it, and use caution using around people pand pets. So yes, it is likely to be harmful to dogs.
Because the written word is 'permanent' - people eventually forget what's spoken.
Watchmovies. net was a website that people could go to watch movies online for free. It isn't available anymore and it is potentially harmful to your computer to go there.
Pasteurization helps people not die from eating foods or drinking drinks with potentially harmful or lethal bacteria that happen to live in the foods that we eat.
Often in science - people are handling dangerous chemicals, or doing experiments that are potentially harmful. Safe practice minimises the risks associated with the field.
Tell someone who is known for telling everything they know that the rumour was a joke, but not to tell anyone. They are sure to tell some people, who will tell other people, and then voila, the rumor is gone!
Electromagnets are not harmful to people.