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nasal bridge

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Q: What is a nasal division called?
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What are the nasal partitions called?

The nasal partitions are called nasal septum. It is a structure composed of cartilage and bone that separates the left and right nasal cavities.

What is The entrances to the nasal cavity are called?

The entrances to the nasal cavity are called nostrils. They are responsible for allowing air to enter and exit the nasal passages.

What is the medical term for the washing of the nasal sinues?

This is called nasal irrigation.

What is the structure that separates the left and right nasal passages called?

nasal septum

What is the dagger shaped bone in the nasal cavity?

The dagger-shaped bone in the nasal cavity is called the vomer bone. It is located in the midline of the nasal cavity and helps to separate the left and right nasal passages.

What is the nasal bone cavity called?

The nasal bone cavity is called the nasal cavity. It is a large air-filled space behind the nose that acts as a passage for air to enter and exit the respiratory system.

What word is used for the answer to a division problem?

The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide. The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide.

What are your nose hair called?

Nose hair is commonly referred to as nasal hair or simply nose hairs. Its function is to help filter out dust, pollen, and other particles from entering the nasal passages.

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what is a division of a racecourse called

Is the anterior portion of the nasal cavity just inside the nostrils called vestibules?

Yes, the anterior portion of the nasal cavity just inside the nostrils is called the nasal vestibule. It is lined with skin containing hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

What is the box called that is used in long division?

the division box is called a division bracket

Air from the nasal cavity enters the superior portion of the pharynx called the what?

Air from the nasal cavity enters the superior portion of the pharynx called the nasopharynx.