A morphadite is an animal that can change it's reproductive organs, from male to female. Snail and slugs have this ability.
2nd anser:
There is no such thing as a 'morphadite'. The actual word is, "hermaphrodite", which is pronoucned, "her-maph-row-dite". A hermaphrodite has both female and male sex organs.
Lady GaGa is neither a homaphrodite or a morphadite. She has never once in her life been a man. Many people think she's had a sex change and what not, but this is simply false information passed through rumors.
The slang morphodite means hermaphrodite (animal or person with both male and female genitals).
If you have a penis, or a vagina. If that option isn't available, then DNA testing. If you have both a penis and a vagina then the term is morphadite.
If you have a penis, or a vagina. If that option isn't available, then DNA testing. If you have both a penis and a vagina then the term is morphadite.
Slang terms- Morph, morphadite, he-she A.C./D.C. ( a possible nod to Electra!) Half and half. oddly 50/50, which is applied to racial mixes and also ships that are mixed sail and power, it is rarely applied to Hermaphrodites.
A person with no sex organs is commonly referred to as intersex. This variation may affect an individual's physical characteristics, hormonal balance, or reproductive systems at birth.
what do you mean when how do you tell if their a boy or a girl? i think you could tell. unless he/she got surgery. i can kind of understand how its an award situation. but if you've seen them a couple of times with some friends, look at his/her friends and judge if its a guy or a girl by their friends gender.
The snowman in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is described as looking like Mr. Avery. It is built to resemble the neighbor who tends to be grumpy and critical. The snowman is seen as a symbol of the neighborhood gossip and judgmental attitudes.