A meth bomb is a tab of MDMA (Ecstasy) that has been laced with methamphetamine. Try to stay away from these, buy a testing kit.
About 31 grand if its "da bomb bomb"
i'd like to buy some meth
try setting off a flea bomb where the stuff is my mate did this just before police busted him and lab results came back negative
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That is the correct spelling of the drug "methamphetamine" (meth or crystal meth).
No, meth will make you test positive for meth.
Meth bew?
easiest way to put it is if a meth user is tweeking he/she is high on meth. tweeking is the slang for high on meth. its like how when u smoke pot u get "stoned". use meth and you get "tweeked" or "twacked"
Oh, JEEZ!!! Meth is a horrible, horrible drug. Do. Not. Do. Meth.
Yes he did give his men meth but it was not called meth it was called Hitler's drug.
Meth is not grown, it is man made. The place it is made is commonly called a meth lab.