When a fertilized egg implants and grows in a fallopian tube instead of the uterus, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. This condition can be dangerous and requires immediate medical attention to prevent complications.
Most women have a certain amount of hair on their faces. However, when the hair becomes thick and dark the condition is called hirsutism.
The diseased condition is called as CANDIDIASIS and is caused by a fungus called CANDIDA ALBICANS
A person that grows plants is called a farmer.
A person who grows trees is called an arborist or a silviculturist.
A follicle is the tubelike structure from which hair grows.
Adenomyosis affects only the uterus. It is a medical condition where endometrial tissue grows beyond uterine lining and onto uterus walls, causing an enlarged uterus and severe pain.
The forelock.the hair that grows at the back of the hooves is called the fetlock.get it?
When a hermit crab grows it's called molting, they go underground for months to molt.
The plant life that grows naturally in an area is called the native flora.
It is called a "uterus".