A major drawback to medical therapy is the high recurrence rate of stones in those treated.
The Major drawback, is probably the gasses that will penetrate the Ozone Layer? My Name is amanda, and i am 13. I hope to be a Physicist when i grow up.
The major drawback is the political and social dissaprove because chemical weapons are bad for the environment and leave too much waste.
Yes, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is available in the Philippines. Several hospitals and medical centers in major cities offer this treatment for various medical conditions such as wound healing, decompression sickness, and acute carbon monoxide poisoning. It is important to consult a medical professional to determine if hyperbaric oxygen therapy is suitable for your condition.
inaccuracy due to component drift.
Avoidance of the allergens is best, but this is often not possible. When it is not possible, drug therapy is the major form of medical treatment used.
Huna is considered an unproved therapy for major physical disorders and should not be used to the exclusion of proven medical treatments.
False positives
False positives.
involves considerable overhead
One major drawback is the limited thrust that electric rocket engines can provide compared to chemical rockets, which can hinder their acceleration and overall performance in certain mission scenarios.
Reduced or limited generalizability