If you are referring to a business, or person; a loss year would be a year in which they have lost monetary value.
E.G. A company on the 1st of June 2011 is worth $320,000,000. At the beginning of June 2012, they are only worth $260,000,000. This may be due to a difficult market during the year, faulty management, or a lack of customers.
1906-loss 1907-win 1908-win 1910-loss 1918-loss 1929-loss 1932-loss 1935-loss 1938-loss 1945-loss
Loss of freedom Loss of cash flow Loss of time Loss of opportunities
% loss = amount of loss / cost x 100
That is the correct spelling "loss" as in "we are sorry for your loss."
Iron loss it includes the core loss is partically the same at all loads and copper loss the value of cu loss is found from short circuit test
the initial loss
insurable loss
The nature of loss is different to different people depending on the type of loss. Death is a type of loss that in inevitable by nature.
The cost of overhead minus the selling price is loss.
It is the loss in the value of loss resulting from the use of property
the loss after depreciation incurred during the year is called as cash loss
The correct form is "...due to the loss."