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Q: What is a holistic activity?
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Make sentence on Holistic?

We will examine the following case as a holistic study. Let's look at this from a holistic perspective. Would you recommend a holistic treatment?

How would you use holistic in a sentence?

We will examine the following case as a holistic study. Let's look at this from a holistic perspective. Would you recommend a holistic treatment?

What is holistic marketing concept and its example?

the holistic marketing concept looks at marketing as a complex activity and acknowledges that everything matters in marketing. The holistic viewpoint follows that systems-in this case marketing-somehow function as wholes and that their functioning cannot be fully understood solely in terms of their component parts. Therefore, a broad and integrated perspective is necessary in developing, designing, and implementing marketing programs and activities. The four components that characterize holistic marketing are relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated marketing, and socially responsive marketing.

What is is the prefix and suffix for holistic?

The prefix for holistic is "holo-" meaning whole or complete. The suffix for holistic is "-istic" which means relating to or concerned with.

Which is easier to construct analytic or holistic?

Holistic is easier than analytic.

What is a holistic experience?

holistic experience meaning experiencing fully or as a whole person. holistic experience meaning experiencing fully or as a whole person.

Can holistic health and conventional health be integrated?

You can ask a doctor about holistic health. Most Holistic doctors also know about normal treatment.

When was Journal of Holistic Nursing created?

Journal of Holistic Nursing was created in 1983.

Is Holistic health is a new form of medicine?

No, because the original from of medicine was holistic

What is the holistic approach method?

maksud pendekatan " the holistic appoach method" dalam ilmu antropologi