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One of the ways to handle this kind of situation is to express your anger and frustration by yourself first, on a pillow for example and really let it all out, several times a day is necessary until you feel clearer in yourself and can express it more clearly to them. You would then be able to explain how you feel without the emotional charge which brings confusion for you as to what to do.

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Q: What is a good way to deal with frustration and becoming angry with your friends?
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How can you deal with anger and frustration?

Do things that make you happy. :D If you enjoy to hang out with a male/female and it makes you feel better, then hang out with them. Consider speaking to a phyciatrist if you have any problems that you need to discuss. Also, get rid of stress factors. Ask yourself "What makes me so angry or frustrated?". Then solve the problem in a sensible way. There are all kinds of methods used to deal with anger/frustration. It's common sense,

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Try to remove the obstacle that's blocking the goal

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With real smile and love. It is not a big deal.

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Find new friends!!

Why do you get angry?

You get angry because something triggers adrenalin to be released, and too much makes you... rowdy. the best way to deal with this is to first identify what makes you angry, what you do when your angry, and how many minutes a day your angry, and focus on slowly raising your tolerance level, and finding new ways to deal with it. In a positive way that doesn't hurt anyone or yourself. If you keep doing this, you eventually will be able to be "The Nice Guy"