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It all depends on age. For example, it has been proven that teens need more sleep than adults, and they naturally stay up later and sleep in longer due to hormones in the body at that age.

There is no set "best" time to sleep. This all depends on your profession (night shifts?) and what you need to do in your daily life. It is though, always recommended to get at least eight full hours of restless sleep.

Typically the best thing to do, is not eat two or so hours before you sleep, turn off any electronics at least one hour before...and sort of just relax that hour before sleep. This can mean...doing a puzzle, reading a book, talking to your family...that sort.

If you have trouble sleeping, try not looking at the clock when trying to go to bed. If you get used to this, your body may trick itself into believing it should be awake at that time, not asleep.

Also be sure that you're comfortable.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Usually, for a child, it should be around 8:00-9:00. Kids need to get more sleep so, their body could get more energy.

For adults, it should be around 11:00-12:00. If adults want to be healthier than my time, they could go to bed at 9:00 or 10:00.

Remember, don't get too much sleep! Hope you follow my times. I'm an expert.

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15y ago

You should be relaxed and calm. Make sure you have 8 hours of sleep before you wake up. You shouldn't go to bed on an empty stomach. You know when its time to go to bed when you start to take longer spaced out breaths. Your heart beat is slow and steady. That is when you go to bed.

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12y ago

Lots of factors go into this. Whether or not you're planning to go to work/school, how much you care about your skin, what age you are, how restfully you sleep. Taking one of these categories, you can divide it by the time. For example,

0 - 5 yrs: 9:30, 10:00.

5 - 10 : 8:39, 9:00

10 - 13: 9:00

14 - 19: 9:00 PM - 2:00 AM Teenagers are hormonal and their body clocks haven't adjusted. Give them time.

20 - 40: 10:00 - 3:AM

40 - 70: 9:00 - 10:00

70+: 9:30, 10:00

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13y ago

There is no one best time for you to go to sleep, but the best thing you can do is go to sleep at the same time every night, even on weekends. You'll also want to wake up every day at the same time as well. Doing so will put your body in a natural rhythm that will make it easier for your body to fall asleep and wake up easier.

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16y ago

It doesn't matter what time you sleep, only how long you slept. About eight hours or so is recommended.

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14y ago

9:30 on school nights, but on weekends i go to bed at between 10:30pm-12:30pm. I am eleven in a half years old in sixth grade.

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14y ago

I aim for 11pm but often go to sleep between 1am and 2am.

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8y ago

Your bedtime depends on when you have to be awake and alert. So you need 7-8 hours sleep before you wake up for school or your job..

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