the bad thing about diggin tin right > its abd beacause it ill ruin the environment and people will complain so IT IS A BAD THING :)
Benefit is good thing. Its good compared to bad.
A positive thing is good and a negative thing is bad .
what is the good thing anout polio? and what is the bad thing? what is the good thing anout polio? and what is the bad thing?
what is the good thing anout polio? and what is the bad thing? what is the good thing anout polio? and what is the bad thing?
good thing
It is a good thing.
it is a good thing and a bad thing
Its actually a good thing not a bad thing. thanks for the question I had funcaanswering that question.
In some aspects it could be a bad thing that you can be. However I would not do it if you are looking for a bf. I am not that way to mine.
Agriculture is a good thing.
Conservation is a good thing.
very good thing