“We look at each other with shy relief. It's the look two odd socks give when they recognise each other in the wild.”
Fiona Woods (famous plastic surgeon) discovered and invented the spray on skin. This was used for burns victims and was a spray that was made of skin cells.
Dr Fiona Wood and Marie Stoner
she made spary on skin
"The Impossible is always Possible"
One of Thomas Elkins' most famous quotes is "He who never made a mistake, never made a discovery."
The quote was made famous by silent film actress Dorothy Bernard.
noah's ark
The Metropol Parasol
They are made from stambalon wood which is a famous wood in Africa that is used for shaker boxes.
Ms.Holly Wood, Actress/Dancer, 1917
Baseball. Assuming a "louisville lever made of wood" refers to the famous wooden Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
instruments in england are a picallomade by their famous wood you can onley get it in england its so famous you have to pay 21000000000 buck to get it