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Q: What is a dispositional recommendation?
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What does 'order to vacate dispositional hearing?

It means that whatever was decided at, or about, the 'dispositional hearing' was declared null and void by the 'order to vacate.'

If you apply dispositional attribution then you are?

Very rare psychologist

What is dispositional empathy?

There is a distinction made in empathy. Empathy may be viewed as a relatively stable disposition (dispositional empathy), but also as a transient affective reaction elicited in concrete situations (situational empathy).

When we look at other peoples' behavior we tend to overestimate the and underestimate the .?

Dispositional; situational

When we look at other people's behavior we tend to overestimate the and underestimate the?

Dispositional; situational

Which of the following is an example of dispositional attribution?

Maria didn't study for the test because she has senioritis

What is an example of a dispositional attribute?

An example of a dispositional attribute is being introverted or extroverted. This refers to a person's typical behavior or temperament in social situations, representing a stable characteristic that is intrinsic to the individual.

What is recommendation in Tagalog?

"Recommendation" in Tagalog is "rekomendasyon" or "rekomendasyon."

Does recommendation have a plural form?

Yes, "recommendations" is the plural form of "recommendation."

How would you put recommendation into a sentence?

He received a recommendation for his efforts.She asked for an employee's recommendation for a dessert to buy.

What is recommendation on footnote to youth?

recommendation of footnote to youth

George got a bad grade on the test because he decided he would rather sleep than study. This is an example of a attribution.?

dispositional APEX