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Possibly a plugged hair follicle or a cyst. Only your doctor can tell you for certain as it would have to be looked at to be diagnosed.

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Q: What is a dime sized to nickel sized bump under the skin under the hairline?
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What could a nickel-sized bump be behind your left ear before the hairline that has been there for 6 months and it is not painful?

I don't know about "behind the ear", but the body is full of lymph nodes. I had a lymph node on the back of my neck right at my hairline that became "calcified" as the doctor called it. It was about the size of a nickel and was not sore at all. I went ahead and had it removed though so that it wouldn't turn into anything serious later on-like cancer. Also, my surgeon said that if it was him, he would have it removed.

What is a pea sized bump on back of 2months old baby?

A Pea sized bump on the back of an infant is called a hospital visit. Good luck.

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Geez go to a doctor before it spreads to others.

You have 1 dime sized bump and 1 slightly smaller sized one behind your left ear what could they be?

Herpes Zougust

Nickel size bump by ear lobe by side burns?

You are allergic to nickel. You can only wear 14 or 18 carat gold. The lump can only be removed by surgery.

What might a pea-size bump by the ear be?

A pea sized bump by the ear is likely to be your lymph node. You have hundreds of them all over your body. They are flat, round and about the size of a pea.

Would a chalazion be under the eyelid?

Yes, a chalazion is a small bump that can form in or under the eyelid. This bump forms because of a blocked oil gland.

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under the bed

What about a lump on right side in back under hairline?

It can be anything from a simple contusion of the head you got from a night out drinking, all the way to something serious like a tumor. If it doesnt go away after week I would consider contacting a physician. Especially if it just recently appeared.

Its a small bump right under the head of the dick?

everyone has this.

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