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A Cross-Notice is generally sent from one party in a legal dispute to the other party. It notifies them that an original Hearing will ALSO include another matter. For example - in Family Court, you may have a Hearing for Child Support and a Hearing based on a Motion for Contempt (your ex failed to comply with the last agreement). You have filed Discovery documents for the child support related part but your ex hasn't produced the documents you requested - so you filed a Motion to Compel Discovery - but the courts haven't ruled on it and you need the documents. You would file a Cross-Notice of Hearing to identify that you plan to take up the matter of the Motion to Compel Discovery during the Motion for Contempt Hearing so you can have the documents you need for the Child Support Hearing (assuming it occurs later).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

when you receive a notice of hearing setting a motion and you also want to set that same motion.

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