"Corner Sign" occurs in a Salter Type II fracture, which is a fracture through the epiphyseal plate and metaphysis of a long bone. The fracture can separate a triangular fragment of the metaphysis, which is seen on x-ray as a small distinct wedge or "corner."
a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture is a closed fracture or simple fracture whereas compound fracture or an open fracture is a fracture in which the skin is perforated and there is an open wound down to the site of the fracture.
A broken bone is often called a "fracture" or "bone fracture". Some examples from the Wikipedia entry on bone fracture. * Complete Fracture- A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely. * Incomplete Fracture- A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined. * Linear Fracture- A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis. * Transverse Fracture- A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis. * Oblique Fracture- A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis. * Compression Fracture-A fracture that usually occurs in the vertebrae. * Spiral Fracture- A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted. * Comminuted Fracture- A fracture causing many fragments. * Compacted Fracture- A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other * Open Fracture- A fracture when the bone reaches the skin * Bug fracture- A fracture when the bone is in place, but the fracture has the appearance of a crushed insect.
Open....It's called an OPEN FRACTURE.
Open Fracture formerly known as a compound fracture.
A compound fracture, the worst kind.
When a fracture is associated with a laceration or cut in the area of the fracture, it is called an open fracture
A compound fracture is when a bone protrudes through the skin.
An avulsion fracture is when you pull a ligament or tendon from a bone and a piece of that bone comes with it. It is not actually a "fracture". A fracture is a break.
Compound fracture is a medical term meaning a bone fracture with a break in the nearby skin.
A closed fracture may also be referred to as a simple fracture. An open fracture is also called a compound fracture.
a type of bone fracture producing many bone fragments is?
Pathological fracture