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Sucrose product, water byproduct

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Q: What is a byproduct of condensation of two molecules of glucose?
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What is the byproduct of condensation of two molecules of glucose?


A byproduct or end product of the condensation of two molecules of glucose?


What is the chemical formula for two glucose molecules joined together?

Glucose is formed in photosynthesis when two molecules are joined together. These two molecules are ATP and CO2 (carbon dioxide).

What is the process of a water molecule used to break the bond between two glucose molecules?

The process for linking two glucose molecules, or any biomolecules for that matter, is called condensation. The OH hydroxyl group drops off one molecule and a hydrogen falls of the other creating water as a byproduct. Then the two molecules can bond and share the correct amount of electrons. Enzymes are special proteins which help speed up this process.

What does the combination of two glucose molecules result in?

The reaction is a condensation reaction so in addition to the disaccharide water is also a product. N.B. glucose + glucose -> maltose + water (not sucrose) glucose + fructose -> sucrose + water

What molecule do you remove from glucose and fructose to make sucrose?

Two monomers to a dimer - this is a condensation reaction that involves the combining of -OH from the [enzymatically specific] one and the +H from the other to form H2O.

How do you make a maltose from two glucose molecules?

Glucose and Glucose

How the formation and breakdown of maltose?

maltose is formed between to alpha glucose molecules. The carbon 1 hydroxyl of one alpha glucose molecule is bonded with the carbon 4 hydroxyl group of another alpha glucose molecule thus creating the disachride maltose and in the process producing water

What is the chemical formula for sugar joining 3 glucose molecules?

Three molecules of water are released when the four glucose molecules are joined.

What is the process of putting 2 glucose together?

Maltose is formed when two glucose molecules are bond together. A water molecule is removed in this process. This type of reactions are called condensation reactions.

What is produced as a result of photosynthesis?

Ther are two products. You will get o2 as a byproduct.

What does glucose and glucose form?

A disaccharide called maltose. Two alpha glucose monomer molecules form a 1,4-glycosidic bond during a condensation reaction and the polymer is formed is maltose which is a reducing sugar found in malt sugar. The bond is broken by hydrolysis.