beavers and willows
Beavers gnaw the wood, and willows grow new branches
I need a symbiotic relationship with the PORPOISE..
One symbiotic relationship is cactus and lizard
The symbiotic relationship is mutualism
A symbiotic relationship is where two or more different species live together to the mutal benefit of each other. A chameleon's ability to change color depending on its surroundings is an adaptation, not a symbiotic relationship. If it were a symbiotic relationship, that would mean that the chameleon would have a symbiotic relationship with a tree, but it would also have a symbiotic relationship with the sidewalk. It just doesn't work.
Sheep and cows don't have a symbiotic relationship.
The symbiotic relationship between the mistletoe and the spruce is parasitism.
the symbiotic relationship between malaria and people is parasitism
A parasitic relationship, which you describe, is not symbiotic. A symbiotic relationship is one which is beneficial to both entities.
They have no symbiotic relationship, ticks are parasiteson warm blooded animals!
They have a symbiotic relationship with insects.
A symbiotic relationship is a relationship between 2 organisms. Socialism is a form of government.
There is no symbiotic relationship. The owl preys on the mouse, so it is a predator-prey relationship.