A bad person is someone who habitually makes others feel bad or hurts others.
bad personality perhaps?
he had a bad personality because he used to slice people open and steal othere peoples ships and treasure
a bad pesonality
bad grammer
A bad personality.
Personality develops through a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Genetics play a role in predisposing individuals to certain traits, while experiences, upbringing, and interactions with others shape personality over time. Factors such as childhood experiences, cultural influences, and life events all contribute to the development of one's personality.
Then there's no hope
because of their cute sexual personality
He was mean bad and had no life
You should choose the boy that has a bad background and has a nice personality because all it matters is the look inside!i t doesn't matter how he looks outside because you should think about a good looking guy that has a bad personality? you rather choose a bad looking guy that has a nice personality!