It is Variety, moderation and balance. Eating in the VMB way is good. Home Econs pg68. (mychoice home economics)
For those who does not have the book, VMB way means to eat a variety a food in moderation and balance. Leading to a moderate and balanced lifestyle.
open your mouth and say hahaha
0 velocity
as a problem- eighty divided by one-hundred as a fraction eighty one-hundredths
maybe if she was feeling really really really nice because Selena Gomez is way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way to good for him
NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!
The way it is, is a statement. The way is it, is a question. Example: That is the way it is. Which way is it?
Dao means the way What is The Way of The Way?
This Way Is My Way was created in 1969.
Gerard WayMikey Way LinZ Way Bandit Lee Way Elena Way Papa Way Mama Way Auntie Way Uncle Way Cousin Way Brother In Law Way Sister In Law Way Great Grandpa Grey Way Great MeeMaw Way i think i'll let you figure out the rest......
Black ops is way way way way way way better ci crap
The duration of Way...Way Out is 1.77 hours.
way way way way way to long if only there was no such thing