It is Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. In this process, blood clots (or thromboses) form in small blood vessels, leading to low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia) in the blood, along with skin manifestations (purpura).
In TTP it is Phosphate. In TPP it is Partnership.
Tenderness to palpation (TTP) of the epigastrium.
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia PurpuraTender to Palpation (TTP)
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP). It's a rare blood disorder that effects your platlets and organs
Tree top piru
I used Niaspan and Tricor with aspirin and that is how I got TTP. Always research other ways to lower cholestorol than just listening to a doctors advice to take cholestoral medicine. TTP is a life altering disease.
Here are some places:(Add an "h" prior to the address when you copy and paste) ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
The symptoms of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuras, or TTP, may at first be subtle: malaise, fever, headache and sometimes diarrhea. As the condition progresses, spontaneous bruising may occur. Because TTP affects the blood vessels of the brain and kidneys, a person may experience confusion, headaches, speech difficulties, transient paralysis, numbness or possibly fits.
Morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy.He has the sickness.There is a sickness going bout.It is a sickness in her head.