The Swaroopâ??s index is the proportion of deaths of people aged 50 years and up. The higher the Swaroopâ??s index of a population, the greater the proportion of the deaths who were able to reach the age of 50 years.
index card is that you make me angry !! that's all thank you !
index card is that you make me angry !! that's all thank you !
The two essential indexes for all subject files are the subject index and the accession index. The subject index helps locate specific topics within the files, while the accession index assists in tracking the order and arrangement of the files.
The primary purpose of an index journal is to hold all the information regarding a specific item. Such as an index journal for a vehicular manual or an index journal for a book.
Indices are indexes, so the singular would be index.
There is no any file.. All file index is stored in MBR (Master Boot Record)..
Diamond has the highest refractive index among all known substances.
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The new index property return the selected item number of a list box. Say their is a list box of 1 item the index is 0. You can get the index by one line of code. Listbox1.SelectedIndex.ToString That's all the index does.
For a site to be marked as a homepage it must be a named an index when saving it and making a webpage. Historically this was implemented because if there wasn't an index address then the page was listing all the directory contents.
Because they are commonly used to make indexes for topics. ie. You would use "index" cards to make an alphabetical index of all the books you've read, guys you've date, etc.
An index is an alphabetical list of reference words and page numbers.In large documents or books, the index usually appears at the end of the text.Word offers the tools to select words or phrases within the text and identify them as index entries. When all the entries are identified, the word index command is used to build the index.