The actual phone number of bassist Pete Wentz is not available to the public. Celebrities seldom give out personal information such as this.
Pete Wentz is his real name but if you want to know his full name its Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz lll.
Pete Wentz is his real name but if you want to know his full name its Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz lll.
Yeah just type in pete wentz at the top and the one with the pic of Bronx is the real one
No. It's all his real hair!
Too much sugar and weirdly coloured drinks. Apparently, he likes his pee to come out "looking real weird and smelling real weird."
Too much sugar and weirdly coloured drinks. Apparently, he likes his pee to come out "looking real weird and smelling real weird."
If she has a 'phone then she will have a real 'phone number
What is the Real Phone number For Kayla Jones
whats her real phone number
no his full name is : peter Lewis Kingston wentz III
t.i real name is clifford! ---- but i don't know his phone number!!! t.i real name is clifford! ---- but i don't know his phone number!!!
Sportacus is a character on Lazytown, which is a TV show. TV is not real, therefore Sportacus has no real cell phone number.