A thrombus in a blood vessel restricts or reduces blood flow. If it's occlusive, it cuts blood flow off completely.
occlusive means stopped or so much narrowing . non occlusive means smoothly flow ,no hemolysis
Thrombus is a blood clot that forms in a vessel and remains there, which can block the flow of blood in that location depriving tissues of normal blood flow and oxygen. To dissolve these blood clots, a procedure called thrombolysis is used. Thrombolytic drugs are prescribed and generally given in combination with anticoagulant drugs.
Because the but diet and lack of exercise lieds to accumulation of lipids and later on the atherosclerotic plaque keep increasing leading to a platelet segregation. And when the rupture of plaque occurs might lead to a non-occlussive thrombus = unstable angina or occlusive thrombus= myocardial infarction, ending with acute coronary syndromes.
"Occlusive" is an adjective that refers to the occlusal, which is the chewing surface of molar and pre-molar teeth.
Yes that is correct
More than one thrombus (or the plural form) is "thrombi".
When a thrombus travels through the vascular system it is called an embolus.
Occlusive arterial disease is found in 15 to 20% of men and women older than age 70.
Coronary occlusive artery disease-- Blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the heart; frequently a precursor to a heart attack.
Thromboangionecrosis is death of a vessel wall due to a thrombus.
A thrombus is a blood clot that forms in the circulatory system and remains where it forms rather than circulating in the blood.