Drugs aren't dangerous if taken after expiration date. A lot of prescription drugs have a really long shelf life even after the expiration date, but the effectiveness of the prescription will decrease as time goes by after the expiration date.
Chewing gum has an expiration or best by date to ensure freshness. Over time it becomes stale and loses much of its flavor.
No wine, including Champagne, has an expiration date. However, it can deteriorate in quality over time.
Fluoride toothpaste can still be effective after its expiration date, but its potency may decrease over time. Using fluoride toothpaste past the expiration date can still help protect against tooth decay, but it may not be as effective as a product that is within its recommended shelf life.
If you have a can on Ensure supplement and the expiration date has passed, you can still consume it for a short period of time after the date. A few weeks past the date should be fine, but not more than that.
No. Renewal must be applied for before the expiration date. A form found on the website must be turned in before this time.
Monster Energy drinks do have an expiration date printed on the can. While they can still be consumed after this date, the flavor and quality may deteriorate over time. It is best to check the expiration date and consume it before then for the best experience.
Not neccessarily. Anyway, much of the time you can ignore the expiry date - food is usually ok for several daysafterwards.
Normally, the sell by date also gives the consumer a short amount of time(minimum) to consume the good.
Juice is best when used before the expiration date because the vitamin content begins degrade after any amount of time. Flavor also begins to fade.
It weaken over time. After 20 years it will be like water.
The expiration date on most drugs tell you when the manufacturer is guaranteeing it will have the maximum potency. Taking a drug after the expiration date is taking a chance that it won't be as effective as a drug taken within the "guaranteed effective." So, in answer to your question, on the diphenhydramine, no one knows if it is safe. All you can say for sure, is the manufacturer will not guarantee the drug is 100% effective after the expiration date.