Methanogens Scientific name is methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
Methanogens belong to the domain Archaea and their scientific name is Methanobacterium. Halophiles are also from the domain Archaea, with their scientific name being Halobacterium.
The genus name for methanogen is Methanobrevibacter.
Methanogens (Methanobrevibacter smithii) Halophiles (Haloferax volcanii) Thermophiles (Pyrococcus furiosus)
Anaerobes is associated with methanogens.
Anaerobes is associated with methanogens.
Methanogens live in places with no oxygen like space.
There really is no such thing as "methanogens" Thus the question has no merit.
The methanogens have many ways of growing and developing just as anyone or anything else. Methanogens affect the growth of many other things such as hydrogen producing species.
no they are mexican
Archae and extremeophiles are the only two I can think of. Many types of extremeophiles, such as halophiles methanogens.