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the g point or the G spot is the spot on the upper side of the wall of vagina which when played with fingers would make the female ejaculate.

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Q: What is G point in girl?
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What is g point in a girl for sex?

its the spot where if a guy hits.....its a full sexual arousal

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G is a male penguin.

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Gossip Girl - 2007 G-G- 5-13 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

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A girl obviously

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There are many websites that offer information on the Linksys WAP54G wireless g access point. What a Linkysys WAP54G wireless g access point can be considered is a wireless modem.

What is the g-spot girl?

the g spot is the place when stimulated causes an orgasm.

How do pronounce g after e g like girl or j like giraffe?

It is a soft 'g' sound, like the 'g' in 'giraffe'.

Point G of the rectangle is at the origin.What are the coordinates of point E?

-a, b

What is the purpose of g point?

A G Point is known as a G Spot. It was discovered in the 1940's by a scientific researcher named Grafenberg. The G Spot is said to produce intense orgasms and is elusive to many women and men.

Is there a girl name that starts with g?
