· Every eye is an eye, when you're doing the surgery there that is just as important as if you were doing eye surgery on the prime minster or the king.
· To my mind, having a care and concern for others is the highest of the human qualities.
"I believe that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other"
"The most expensive little bits of plastic in existence" - Fred's description of IOLs
I hardly knew what a cataract was, but I was determined that in my training I would learn" - Fred Hollows
"I'm a little embarrassed about the honors being heaped upon me but I'm not ashamed of it being done." Fred Hollows.
"Until Aborigines share the same basic conditions of hygiene, sound diet, insect proof housing, sanitation and clean water... Aborigines in rural parts of the country will continue to be afflicted with avoidable diseases such as trachoma" - Fred Hollows
'The essence of a human being is our capacity to help others; it is what separates us from the animals. I studied medicine so I could help others - set a leg or whatever, and it's given me a great deal of satisfaction.' - Fred Hollows
every eye is a eye
Fred hollows the ophthalmologist who became known for restoring eyesight for countless people .
Fred Hollows became world famous as an ophthalmologist, particularly for his work in restoring eyesight for countless thousands of Aborigines in Australia and people in many other countries.
Just go to Google and type Fred Hollows and there will be lots of websites to choose from because he's quite famous.
Yes, Fred Hollows is an Australian scientist.
it was 1992 when Fred hollows created the Fred hollows foundation which makes him 63
Fred Hollows died in Sydney, Australia
Fred Hollows died from metastatic cancer.
Fred Hollows the New Zealand/Australian ophthalmologist who became famous for his work on restoring the eyesight of thousands of people all over the world. Even after his death his inspirational work is being carried on by the Fred Hollows Foundation who believe no person in the world should be needlessly blind.
Fred's full name is Frederick Cossom Hollows
Fred Hollows studied Ophthalmology, which is studding diseases of the eyes.
David Livingstone, Mary mackillop, Fred hollows.....