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Betadyne is a solution of povidine and iodine. It is used as an antiseptic, and can be diluted for a variety of purposes, such as a type of sitz bath. My pediatrician recommended it for my 4-year-old daughter for this purpose, as she has had recurrent irritation and odor in the vaginal area. She sits in a solution of 3 tablespoons of Betadyne to 1 gallon of water for about 15 minutes. It definitely helps.

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What does doctors wipe you down with before he starts the procedures?

Typically an antiseptic. This can be alcohol, betadyne, or any of a wide variety of medical antiseptics.

Yellow skin around incision after abdominal surgery?

Most commonly the surrounding skin is yellow because of the use of iodine disinfectant to clean the area prior to the incision.

What is Procedure to skin prior to routine puncture?

Clean the skin if practical and necessary. Then, applicaiton of disinfectant if the skin is not punctured (alcohol) or antiseptic if the skin is punctured (betadyne, hydrogen peroxide). With puncture wounds, plan on a tetanus update, if necessary.

Is it safe to use Bactroban on a stiched wound?

I prefer not to, as BactroBan is somewhat sticky and tends to adhere to --- crud. Better if you keep the wound bandaged and don't have to put anything on at all. If you're concerned about infection, betadyne makes for a good topical antiseptic.

What causes crust on your outer ear lobe?

Dermatological diagnosis is one of the most rigorous sciences, even if I could see the area. So, while I cannot tell you what it is, I can give you an idea of how to treat it. Gently wash the area with a clean washcloth, warm water and a mild soap. This should remove the crust. If it doesn't, don't fight it. Make sure the washcloth is laundered before anyone else touchs it (we don't know if this is contagious -- I think it's not likely but better to be safe). Then apply betadyne with a Q-tip. Betadyne is dark orange and smells like iodine, but it works great. You can also mix betadyne and 25% hydrogen peroxide(3%) and swab that on. Leave it there to dry. If anything you try makes it worse -- STOP. This should show an improvement in one day. If it doesn't show some improvement in 2 days, conisder going to a doctor. Note that advice from a well meaning guy on the Internet should never be confused with real medical advice from a professional.

Is there a spot test to identify the Polyvinyl Alcohol?

Yes, there is a simple spot test to identify polyvinyl alcohol. You can perform a solubility test by dissolving a small amount of the sample in water - polyvinyl alcohol should readily dissolve in water, forming a viscous solution.

Should you go to the doctor if you are bitten by a flea?

It's hard to disinfect a bite wound, and if it's a serious one, a hospital can help a lot. If you want to treat it at home, here's what you need to do: Any bite wound presents the immediate problem of bleeding. Once that is controlled, you need to concentrate on infection. So, once bleeding is controlled, work on prophylacsis. Get a basin of warm water. Add to it hydrogen peroxide (.5C) and betadyne (.25C). Some soap won't hurt. Scrub the wound immersed -- not hard enough to open it, but enough to clean it. Let it soak for at least 20 minutes. Dry it gently, and bandage with a loose, sterile wrap. Check it daily -- if it infects, you're off to the doctor. Change the dressing every day and disinfect with betadyne or H2O2 -- or both -- and re-wrap. The way that dog bites go south is if an infection forms up. If you can stop that by consistent cleaning, and the wound doesn't need sutures, you're home free. If it infects, you're beyond the scope of what you can do at home. Note: Human bites are worse.

Why do some wounds ooze a yellow substance?

If the yellow substance is transparent, it's serous fluid -- the fluid that acts as a medium to hold and move blood cells. When wounds heal, part of the process is to form a sterile barrier, but if this barrier is slightly permeable, and the body flushes serum through it in an outwards direction, it can act as a cleaning mechanism. It's a healthy sign. Cloudy or murky yellow fluid -- pus -- is however a sign of infection. It's a slurry of bacteria, dead and alive, and antibodies, also dead and alive. You can help your body along here by applying an antiseptic like betadyne or hydrogen peroxide.

Why do some minor wounds ooze a yellow substance?

If the yellow substance is transparent, it's serous fluid -- the fluid that acts as a medium to hold and move blood cells. When wounds heal, part of the process is to form a sterile barrier, but if this barrier is slightly permeable, and the body flushes serum through it in an outwards direction, it can act as a cleaning mechanism. It's a healthy sign. Cloudy or murky yellow fluid -- pus -- is however a sign of infection. It's a slurry of bacteria, dead and alive, and antibodies, also dead and alive. You can help your body along here by applying an antiseptic like betadyne or hydrogen peroxide.

How are Antimicrobial agents applied?

Depends on the situation and the agent. Technically, "antimicrobial" should be used synonymously with "anitbiotic" -- an adjective that modifes a type of medicine. In this case, meds can be injected (IM, SubQ, IV, IO, IC etc.), orally (PO or SL), topically, by suppository, etc. If you mean antiseptics, these are topical killers of infectious organisms. These include alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, betadyne, and a wide variety of soaps, gels and creams, all designed to attack organisms that are topologically outside the body. They can be poured on, scrubbed or sponged in, squirted on under some pressure, appied with a Q-Tip, sprayed on as an aerosol, etc.

You have these 2 parellel cuts on the upper half of your foot and you were wondering if there was a way to stop the pus from coming out?

Actually, the best way to stop the pus from coming out is to let these cuts heal. They're leaking pus because they're infected. In warm, soapy water, gently scrub them out to get rid of any dead skin. Take your time doing this. Once they're clean, gently dab dry and apply betadyne (looks like iodine but doesnt hurt). Do NOT use alcohol for this. Use a gauze pad (2x2 if it's large enough) and surgical tape or KoBan to bandage them. Check the wounds at least daily. You'll likely have to repeat the process a few times to clear this up.

How do you help a baby bunny when it cant breath?

Having delivered many human babies, equine foals, dogs, calves, etc. I presume rabbits are the same. If the bunny gets stuck in the birth canal, both will die. If you try to pull it out you can injure the mother by tearing the birth canal, causing bleeding or damaging the ureter or rectum and/or vagina. It is a tough call, probably gentle traction is the best bet. If not down far enough for this, you must try to push it back in, turn it around and try to deliver headfirst. This is difficult enough with a human or a horse, let alone a rabbit when all you can use is your finger. If you do this, use a glove and betadyne, since you will be pushing germs into the rabbit and possibly cause infection. Work in between contractions.