Six to the power of zero is neither. Six to the power of zero equals 1.
17 to the power of 6 is 24,137,569
3 to the power of -6 is 0.001372
when dividing a number to a certain power by the same number to a different power, subtract the exponents 6 to the 6 divided by 6 to the 2 = 6 to the 4 power = 1296
(12)6 = 2,985,984
usually it means a power, such as 2 with superscript 6 is 2 to the 6th power this is 2x2x2x2x2x2.
6 to the 6th power is 46656.
10 to the 6th power is a 1 with 6 zeroes after it. This is 1,000000 and is read "one million." ■
( a-6) x (a4) = a(-6+4) = a-2 = 1/a2
128^6 is equal to 4,398,046,511,104.
2^6 is equal to 64.
122^6 is equal to 3,297,303,959,104.
(4*10)6 (40)6 4,096,000,000