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Q: What is 32.3 body temp?
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Related questions

How does temp affect animals?

lower or higher environmental temp than body temp makes the animal's body work harder to maintain body temp (i.e., greater energy expenditure)

39c body temp is high?

105.7as a body temp do i need to be gowing to the hospitel

How do coldblooded animals maintain their body temperature at night?

with the blood of there body temp. Also the room temp

100 degrees Fahrenheit body temp its bad?

Normal body temp is 98.6 f

Is 99.3 an abnormal body temp?

97 is a normal body temp if have around 100 degrees you might be catching a cold

Is 39.7 body temp high?

Yes, it's a fever type temp.

Is 39.7 a high body temp?

Yes, it's a fever type temp.

What is Body temp of an elephant?


What is the temperature of a lizard?

A lizard is a reptile so there for its body temp. changes to room temp.

WHYBody temp of 103.6 good or bad?

Is a body temp of 103.6 good or bad

Why does your body feel heated?

it is because your body temp inside your body is 37 degrees

Does the skeletal system regulate body temp?
