20/20 vision means you can see from 20 feet away what a person with normal vision can see from 20 feet away. So your eyes are normal.
20/30 vision means you have to be 20 feet away from something a normal person would be able to see at 30 feet away. So your eyes are nearsighted.
20/15 vision means you can see from 20 feet away what a normal person would have to stand 15 feet away from to see. So either your eyes are extremely sharp, or you are farsighted because you have to back further away from a thing to see it clearly.
I'm not sure what you mean by "6 by eye sight." Can you please provide more context or clarify your question?
Uncorrected vision can be no worse than 20/200 in each eye. Both eyes must be correctable to 20/20.
If you can read the smallest line of letters on the eye chart from a distance of 20 feet with each eye, then you are considered to have good visual acuity. This is typically measured as 20/20 vision. If you can't read the smallest line and need to move closer, you may have less than ideal vision.
Poodles have very good eye sight.
do high cholesterol affect your eye sight
When it is said that you have 6 by 6 eyesight, it means that you can read from the second line of the eye chart to the bottom line. This essentially means you have perfect eyesight and do not need glasses.
Poodles have very good eye sight.
The eye is the organ of sight
the comon eye sight for humans is the pupil
the eye is an organ of sight
they have VERY good eye sight