A tape measure is commonly used to measure the circumference of the head.
Walter's head measures around 24 inches in circumference.
The circumference is about 28.9
Because it is difficult to wrap a metre ruler around someone's head.
The circumference of a circle measures the distance around the circle.
A measuring tape is flexible - a metre rule isn't !
This instrument is a balance.
If a circle measures 83 inches in circumference the diameter is: about 26.42 inches. You can easily do this calculation for other circles by dividing the circumference by Pi (about 3.1416).
An instrument that measures heat and cold is called a thermometer.
A circumference of 6.28 inches measures exactly 6.28 inches!
The square footage of a circle that measures 159 feet in circumference is about 2,012 square feet.
A calorimeter measures heat. In contrast, a thermometer measures temperature.A thermometer bolometer - an instrument that measures heat radiation; extremely sensitive calorimeter - a measuring instrument that determines quantities of heatHeat is measured with a ThermometerThermometerThermometer or calorimeterThermometerthermometerHeat is measured with a thermometer.