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Technically, being electrocuted means being killed by electric shock. So, an electrocuted person is dead.

A person who has been shocked may experience deep burns, muscle spasms (electricity is how your brain tells your muscles to contract), and severe neurological effects. He may also experience ventricular fibrillation, or basically twitching in the heart. This will kill him quickly if not corrected with a defibrillator.

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Q: What injuries does an electrocuted person have?
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Can touching a electrocuted person pass the current through you?

Yes, if you touch a person who has been electrocuted, you may become part of the electrical circuit and can also get shocked. It is important to avoid touching electrocuted individuals and instead call for help immediately.

What is the correct use of electrocuted?

Usually refers to a person or animal that has had or risks having electricity passed through it (usually unintentionally). "He just got electrocuted" "If you keep poking that you're going to get electrocuted" "The poor thing stepped on the third rail and was electrocuted"

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draw a person whilst being electrocuted

Does electrocuted always mean you die or can you just be harmed?

Many people have survived being electrocuted. The voltage, length of exposure, as well as whether or not the person was wet or standing in water at the time, etc., are determining factors involved as to whether or not the person survives.

Can a person be electrocuted in distilled water?

It is extremely unlikely that a person can be electrocuted in distilled water, as it does not conduct electricity very well. However, if there are impurities or substances dissolved in the water that increase its conductivity, there is a small risk of electrocution. It is always safest to avoid mixing electricity and water.

Are you responsible for your own injuries?

Self inflicted injuries repose responsibility on the person concerned.

Whats the difference between electric shock and electrocuted?

Electric shock is to electrocuted as burned is to cremated. Electric shock is the same as electrocuted, except that electrocuted has actually induced death; to kill by electric shock.

How do you use electrocuted in a sentence?

Neila was almost electrocuted when her crock pot shorted out.

When did Benjamin get electrocuted?

He was not electrocuted by his lightning experiment (although the next person to attempt it died), but rather when trying to kill a turkey. He was doing an experiment at a dinner party to electrocute a turkey so as to not only kill it quickly but also to make the bird tender (muscles relax with such a shock). The experiment failed and Franklin was electrocuted. Of course, it did not kill him. He did this experiment in 1750 - 40 years before his death.

What are causes of hamstring injuries?

A person can get hamstring injuries by not warming up and stretching before exercising or simply being a teenager and just growing. Hamstring injuries can be prevented if a person warms up and stretches before doing a running activity.

What are the injuries of water sports?

There are several different injuries that a person can sustain from water sports. You can get broken bones, cuts, bites from fish, head injuries, and there is always the possibility of drowning.

What would you do if a person had an accident and was electrocuted?

If possible without endangering more lives, administer first aid. Call emergency services (911).