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Synthetic cannabis (fake weed)is a psychoactive herbal and chemical product which, when consumed mimics the effects of cannabis it is a mix of anythink spicy really and can be brought legally from shops selling bongs and a few record stores its basicaly one of those fake highs smoking mixture looks like bed fluff and burn nastly to is cheap so don't fall for paying high of a wanna be dealer on the st bye it not a drug its like tobacco with no nicotine and rumours are you have to be prepared to smoke lots of this horrid stuff to gain and effect Google legal highs and smoking mixtures for more info thankyou for reading knolledge from used to work in a record shop part time that sold loads mainly to students(i thought they were nerd for buying it lol we got it 4 as cheap as 20p a bag some cost up to 10pounds some were a pound all horrid though)spice drug as known also contains harmefull chemicals which have not been properly researched and most shops will not supply it the others are basicaly the same it just doesnt say on the products

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Q: What ingredients are in spice drug?
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Yes, and it is one reason some people prefer it over marijuana. It's a blend of legal ingredients that have no reaction to urinal drug tests you would find in drug stores.

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Yes, you can. Sonic spice is not an illegal drug; henceforth they will not test for it. No THC will show up in the drug test.

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Yes spice does contain THC in it, and if consumed will make you turn in a positive test for THC.

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Spice Gold? Use the correct terms please.

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Detox pills