Physical influences include the state of your brain - people with damaged brains can behave differently to people whose brains are not damaged. This includes brains injured during a difficult birth, concussion and damage caused by strokes.
A diabetic may behave erratically when their blood sugar is too high or too low. Other diseases such as epilepsy, and Huntingdon's Chorea affect behaviour too.
Toxins and chemicals influence behaviour. This includes alcohol, drugs, pesticides, herbicides and chemicals used in manufacturing industries.
Those are some physical influences, but there are others. Psychological influences include mental health problems such as schizophrenia or depression.
Social and cultural influences include the behaviour that is expected by the community and what they believe in, their mores and values, and the person's position in that society. We expect certain behaviours from babies and children that we would consider inappropriate in an adult. We expect certain behaviours from acknowledged leaders and different behaviours from those whose social position is perceived to be lower. A example of that would be that we would expect a Colonel to behave in a way that we would not expect of a new recruit in the army.
Society has its expectations and we judge personal behaviour by the expectations of that society. Sometimes these expectations are enforcable and enshrined in law.
Cultural and religious beliefs influence behaviour too. Rastifarians and the Amish behave and dress quite differently, yet both are religions which influence behaviour. A Western person may stand up when someone important enters a room because that is considered polite in Western society, yet a traditional Black African considers it polite to keep their head lower than the important person's head and they may sit down or stay sitting, also out of politeness.
There are many factors which influence personal behaviour and I hope I have given you something to think about.
Everything. Personal Preferences., Displays, Supply and Demand, Everything
stages of moral development, personal values and personality, family influences, peer influences, life experiences, situational factors
how economic variables influences on consumer behavior
Recognizing and analyzing the various influences on your behavior is important because it helps you understand why you act the way you do and can lead to personal growth and self-awareness. By recognizing external influences, such as societal norms or peer pressure, you can make more informed decisions and potentially change harmful patterns of behavior. Understanding these influences can also help improve relationships and interactions with others.
The two types for analyzing influences are internal factors, which include personal beliefs and attitudes, and external factors, such as societal norms and peer pressure. Understanding how these influences shape behavior is important in various fields, including psychology and marketing.
Gandhi's only real influences are his personal experiences.
Human behavior is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. These factors interact to shape individual behavior, including genetics, upbringing, personal experiences, cultural norms, and societal influences. There is no single primary determinant, as human behavior is complex and multifaceted.
the behavior is different from other influences on your health becuz it's tell's u if your health or not .it tells what u eat.
Some influences on a teen's sexual behavior can include peer pressure, media portrayal of sex and relationships, family attitudes and beliefs about sex, personal values and beliefs, and access to information and resources on sexual health. Hormonal changes and feelings of curiosity or experimentation can also play a role.
Behavior genetics
Wilhem Wundt