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normal eating or drinking can be dangerous because food and fluids have a direct route through the fistula into the lungs.

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Q: What immediate health hazard does esophageal atresia pose?
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What long-term health risk does esophageal atresia pose?

The impossibility of normal eating, breathing, and digestion creates a life-threatening condition that requires immediate surgery.

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Which of the following is NOT a health hazard?

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What is health hazard.?

A human health hazard is anything that is potentially unsafe to the health of the human body. Basically, it is anything can hurt you or make you sick.

How is esophageal atresia diagnosed?

Esophageal atresia is typically diagnosed shortly after birth when a baby has trouble swallowing, excessive drooling, and choking when feeding. Diagnostic tests such as a chest X-ray, contrast dye study (esophagram), and/or endoscopy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the condition.

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Radon is a colorless radioactive gas considered to be a health hazard.

Is oil a hazard to your health?

Most anything can be a hazard to your health if you encounter it in sufficient quantity in the wrong way. There are a great many kinds of oil, from petroleum to olive oil. Some are generally beneficial to health and others can easily be a hazard to health.

What's a health hazard?

A human health hazard is anything that is potentially unsafe to the health of the human body. Basically, it is anything can hurt you or make you sick.

What is a human health hazard?

A human health hazard is anything that is potentially unsafe to the health of the human body. Basically, it is anything can hurt you or make you sick.

Which type of hazard is it if a customer finds a bone in a boneless chicken sandwich?

Health hazard choking hazard

What is the difference between a safety hazard and a health hazard?

safety hazard: causes external harm (broken leg, sprained wrist) health hazard: causes disease. EX. Safety hazard is like not smoking around certain chemical carrying equipment (ie storage tanks) health hazard is not smoking in restaurants or other public areas.

When was noise identified as an occupational health hazard?

Noise was recognized by specialists as an occupational health hazard at least as early as the 1940s.