It's used for crack cocaine, drug user's that smoke crack use's the steel-wool as a filter to smoke there rock of crack.
Any drug that requires a prescription (unless you have the a prescription) as well as illegal drugs.
Yes, drug illegal sometimes.
Drug is made illegal by the types or kind of that drug!
Yes, it is a controlled drug. Illegal in the US if you do not have a prescription for it.
What drug are you talking about
Illegal drug money keeps money out of the economy of the country. The government can not tax illegal drug money.
umm no! unless its an illegal drug store
The DEA(drug enforcement agency) deals with most illegal drug cases
* Anti-drug Propaganda * Legislation as a deterrent * enforcement of said legislation
Vicodin is not illegal and has never been. Vicodin is a class III schedule drug that is controlled by the DEA. The drug is NOT "illegal" but it is illegal to sell, transfer or give it to anybody else for whom it was not prescribed, as is any drug. It is no more illegal than any other drug in the world
Q: What did the drug addict wash himself with? A: Dope soap
There are many drugs that are not illegal and many that are.