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If your body temperature drops dramatically then your cells start to die, this means you could die of hypothermia.

However, if it only slightly falls then goose bumps appear and your hairs stand on end to create a protective barrier keeping as much heat in as possible. Then, most of your blood goes to your vital organs to keep them warmest as they are most important, this is why your toes and fingers are first to get cold. You also start to shiver and your teeth chatter.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

well i have 35.8 most of the time and i freeze easily and all depends on the person what she or he does for live style ! like age, weight, type of medicine, alcohol drugs, smoking.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

The condition of an extraordinarily low body temperature is known as hypothermia. The adverse is hyperthermia, which is the condition of an extraordinarily high body temperture.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

You will be cold.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: What if your temperature is below normal?
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What does is it mean if your temp is below normal?

Hypothermia describes an abnormally low body temperature.

What do you call a body temperature below 97.5 degree Fahrenheit?

Hypothermia occurs when the body's temperature falls below the normal range. Some fluctuation in body temperature is normal; however hypothermia is dangerous, because the body temperature becomes too low for normal bodily functions to occur properly.

Are you contagious when temperature is below normal?

Yes because you will turn into a zombie.

What if the temperature is 97.2?

97.2 degrees Fahrenheit is 36.2 degrees Celsius. A little below normal body temperature.

Is hypothermia a disease?

No. Hypothermia is caused when an organism's temperature drops below the temperature required for normal body functions.

What is the temperature necessary for normal sperm production?

Normal sperm production occurs at around 94-96 degrees Fahrenheit, which is slightly below normal body temperature. This is why the testicles are located outside the body in the scrotum, as it helps to maintain a cooler temperature for optimal sperm production.

What if your temperature is 35 degrees Celsius?

A temperature of 35 degrees Celsius would be considered hypothermic. It is below the normal body temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius and could indicate a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. It is important to seek medical help if experiencing this temperature.

What is the normal temperature in polar climate zone?

Below plus 10 degrees Celsius

What is a pit bulls normal body temperature?

Your dog's normal rectal temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.if it is above or below that, please contact your Veterinarian.

What do you call the heat of the body?

Corporal (or body) temperature. When it is above normal, it is called hyperthermia or fever and when it is below normal is called hypothermia.

Is 32 celsius considered a fever?

No, that's way below normal body temperature. About 37 deg C is considered normal.

What is hypotherima?

is a condition in which an organism's temperature drops below that required for normal metabolism and body functions.