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What if? You will have hairless toes. I don't think that anything special will happen, just like any other body part that you shave, it will be hairless. Of course the hair will grow back...

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Q: What if you shave your toes?
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Is it all right to shave your toes if they're hairy?

There is no medical reason wether or not to shave your toes, despite some people beliving that it causes more folicles, this isn't true.

Is it bad to shave your toes?

well i wouldn't say it was BAD necessarily but theres hardly point to it! the bottom of your foot (including toes) is hairless but the top... well theres not reason for you to shave it, but no technically its not BAD. -services of star Obviouly the question is referred to the top, which often grows hair, so no, it doesn't hurt to shave them, if hair is there.

How do you get pretty feet?

If you are a man you could: Shave your toes if they are really hairy Buff your toenails Use a pumice stone (the tool to get rid of calluses) Soak your feet and wash them throughly, often Apply lotion every day If you are a woman: Shave or wax your toes if they are hairy Buff your toenails Apply nail polish Use a pumice stone Soak your feet and wash them throughly, often Apply scented lotion every day.

Leg shaving do women shave top of feet?

Yes, if they have dark hair on her foot and toes, even if not like the average men. Obviously there are many women without any visible hair or with just light peach fuzz. It's not uncommon amongs women, though, to have a visible diffuse patch of hair along the bone on top of their feet and on their big toe, I know this for sure, ans as I rarely saw feet hair on woman I's say they shave them, it's just all about normal, you would just shave the top of your feet and toes whenever you do your legs as it takes a few extra second.

What are the most attractive toes?

Cute toes with nail polish on them! Depends on what you consider attractive. Long toes, short toes, fat toes, thin toes, toes with nail polish, toes with fake nails on, brown toes, white toes, red toes, etc... I'm partial to elephant toes!

Is it bad to shave in the morning?

No, it's not bad to shave in the morning. Most men shave every morning if they shave.

Can you shave a coconut?

No you can not shave a coconut

When you shave your legs to you shave up or down?

you shave up, but if you would want to trim your hair on the legs then shave down wards.

The sentence of a close shave?

With Burma-Shave, you will always get a close shave. My latest brush with death was a real close shave. Some people like to have a close shave on the top of their head.

Do Europeans shave?

Yes, Europeans do shave.

How did queequeg shave?

He used his harpoon to shave with.

Why can't you shave when you get your period?

You can still shave.