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If a person doesnt like you then you have to wait.

If the person is dating someone (especially someone you know!) then you have to give him/her some time. Maybe he/she will realize he/she likes you later on in your life.


If a person doesnt like you then you have to wait.

If the person is dating someone (especially someone you know!) then you have to give him/her some time. Maybe he/she will realize he/she likes you later on in your life.


Okay What Im Say That If A Guy Likes You Or A Girl Likes A Boy I Think That The Girl Or The Boy Needs Stand Up & B A Lady Or A Man Or Start In Proving There Self Controling Cuzz If You Dont Ypou Will Neva Ever Get A BoyFriend Or A GirlFriend Yhu Just Cant Sit & Wait On The Person Tuu Pop Up In Your Life Yhu Have Tuu Go Get Them

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Honey, if your boyfriend likes someone else, then he isn't worth your time, I know you love him and want to be with him but you need to think about yourself in this to because when your with him, you'd me thinking to yourself he wants to be with someone else, think about it hun, but follow your heart:)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

If he doesn't like you at all, why is he your boyfriend? Notwithstanding arranged marriage in some countries, you should dump him, plain and simple, and either find someone who does like you or just hold off the dating scene for a while.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

If he is denying that he knows you, then you need to dump him and move on.

If he is denying sex, then ask why. Please know it could mean he is getting sex elsewhere.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

then you have a paradox

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Q: What if you have a boyfriend and he doesn't like you at all?
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