My advice, get a friend to figure out how the other guy feels, so if you break up with the guy your dating, and the other guy doesn't like you, you won't be single. If you find out he likes you, then talk to the guy your dating and tell him that you don't feel the same way that he feels about you. Then, maybe take a step forward and ask the other guy out. Or let it take time and wait for him to ask you out.
then you ditch him and go find some one else
go for it,before he finds someone else,and if he says no or anything like that just say OK and don't be embarrassed
just wait and see how things go if he ignors you just move on, there will always be someone else who will like you
Maybe the guy just needs some space from you. Or maybe you should ask another Guy to the prom. * If a guy your dating asks someone else to prom, he doesn't think much of you or your feelings. I say act like its nothing, and go to prom with someone else if you can. Personally i would not go out with him again.
stop talking to him --------------------------------- Bring the conversation to a close politely and go and find someone else to talk to.
Either, he doesn't like you or is shy, or you may have done something subconsciously to make him feel you don't like him.
Hang out with them both and see which one wants you hard to get. And then just be good friends with the other guy.
Get over your shyness and just go up and tell him straight out. Surely you don't expect someone else to do this for you? If you really like this guy, then you are the only one who can tell him that.
You need to ask him if he is still going out with that other person. If so, then decline the invitation until he is "free." One thing that women never do is go out with someone else's guy, even if he is the one who is asking.
AnswerAnswerIt's not for me to answer your question. You have to look into your heart and decide which guy would be best for you then go for it.IF you deeply like someone and you have feelings for him/her you should tell them. But if someone else likes you tell that person so he/she understands that your not interested. Be Brave and have some confidence!
Easy , You don't talk to him. he doesn't like you oh well move on someone else will. theres someone for everybody.
just say that i know you like me but, you cant act like that with other girls if we go out