If you drink too much it will lower the pH and the electrolytes in your blood. You will get nausea and abdominal pain and extreme acidity can kill you.
Only in very small amounts, it is very unpleasant to drink and will upset your stomach, best not to drink it.
None. You don't drink vinegar
Yes a bottle of table vinegar would be classed as homogeneous.
It depends on the type and size. A 16 oz bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar costs about $2, the same size bottle of Balsamic Vinegar costs about $11. The costs also vary for White Vinegar, Red Wine Vinegar, and so on.
White vinegar doesn't have an expiration.
If you drink out of a orange juice bottle you can spread icky germs to other people that drink out of that bottle.
Wine that's been open for that long is fairly likely to have "turned" ... become vinegar. If you like drinking red wine vinegar, I suggest you just go buy a bottle of that instead.
Yes, vinegar will get rid of bees. In order to use vinegar as a bee deterrent, simply dilute vinegar with some water in a spray bottle. Use the spray bottle and spray the bee prone area.
No. Per the Brooklyn Museum, that bottle was a vinegar bottle .
Soft drink in a bottle does fizz after opening
Well, as people know they drink from a bowl but, I have seen a dog drink from a water bottle before!
Stop smoking it! And wait thirty days. the best things you can do is drink a bottle of vinegar which hurts inside your stomach.. or you can drink like 6 or 7 full milk jugs full of water.